Claremont Hillel Logo

Hillel is your pluralistic, inclusive, and diverse 7-C Jewish community organization where you can celebrate your Jewish identity in a fun and nurturing environment!

About Us

Learn about Claremont Hillel's mission, vision, and values. Get to know Dr. Bethany Slater, Hillel's Executive Director, and members of Claremont Hillel's board of directors.


Build a strong social network with the 700+ Jewish students at the 7-Cs and create friendships that last a lifetime!

Doing Life Together

Participate in an Experience, Join a Team, Find New Friends


Celebrate the Jewish holidays your way with delicious meals and spiritually enriching experiences.


Develop your leadership skills and make your mark by launching a new team and create events and experiences with mentorship and support from Hillel. Hillel's programs are planned by team leaders. Explore what it looks like to create a team by talking with Hillel's executive director, Dr. Bethany Slater.


What does community mean to you? At Hillel, community is all about the relationships we build together and cherish for a lifetime. Whether getting coffee and having a conversation with your Hillel director, sharing a meal with new friends, or joining a Jewish learning group to explore life's big questions - Hillel is where you can find an affirming and nurturing community.Hillel events are open to everyone, so feel free to invite your friends. Check our Instagram feed below for upcoming events, and sign up here to get on the email list.

Doing Life Together

Our Hillel is going through an organizational design process to become a responsive hub of creative activity that welcomes and engages the full breadth of Jewish students at the Claremont Colleges and serves as an accessible and compelling, high-functioning platform for them to pursue their interests, include their friends, grow personally, receive support and valued resources, and strengthen their connectivity to Jewish experience, identity, and meaning.Hillel is looking to engage Student Leadership Interns with diverse social networks to partner with in building fun experiences and opportunities to connect socially.If you would like to join the leadership team, contact Philip


High Holidays 2023 / 5784

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services are coordinated and led by the Jewish Chaplain of the Claremont Colleges. To learn more about services call:
Phone | (909) 621-8685
McAlister Center for Religious Activities
919 North Columbia Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711
In collaboration with the Chaplaincy Office Hillel is delighted to sponsor meals for the holidays. We are hosting Rosh Hashana Dinner 10/2/24 at 6:45 pm at Scripps College Hampton Room. There will be homemade dinner with all the trimmings and vegetarian options. RSVP:
Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement, the holiest day of the year, and it begins at sundown on Oct 11 and ends at nightfall on Oct 12.In collaboration with Claremont Chaplaincy and 5C Chabad a Break the Fast feast will be held at 7 pm.

About Us

Mission + VISION

Our mission is to enrich the lives of Jewish college students at the Claremont Colleges so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world. Our vision is that every Jewish student at the Claremont Colleges makes an enduring commitment to Jewish life, Jewish learning and Israel.Claremont Hillel provides a fun, diverse, welcoming, and inclusive Jewish community for the 7Cs. We aim to create a united community through teams that accept a diversity of ideas and viewpoints. We promote social action and awareness of international and domestic issues, provide Jewish education and leadership opportunities, and foster a distinct Jewish identity in every student. We encourage students to engage with all aspects of their Judaism including those that relate to culture, religion, spirituality, Israel and their shared Jewish peoplehood.All teams should reflect the values of Claremont Hillel but can and are encouraged to have different opinions. No one team represents Claremont Hillel’s opinions as an organization.

Executive Director

Dr. Bethany Slater joined as Hillel's inaugural executive director in August 2023. She has a background in nonprofit management, leadership training, human-centered design, community building, and interfaith and religious education. Most recently, she served as a visiting professor of religion at Denison University where she taught courses on Judaism, romantic love, and spiritual autobiographies of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. She earned her PhD at Boston College in comparative theology.

Board of Directors

PRESIDENT Gary Kates, Pitzer ’74
SECRETARY Cary Davidson, CMC ’75
TREASURER David Stiefel, CMC ’77
Ezra Adasiak, Pomona '25
Emilio Bankier, Pomona '27
Sue Hochberg, Scripps ’63
Deborah Kallick, Pitzer ’78
Ariel Katz, CMC
Emma Perlmutter, Pitzer '08
Steven R. Pruzan, CMC '71
Bahar Rinsler, Pomona Parent '26
Alissa Roston, Pitzer
Diane Tickton Schuster, CGU '86
David Tanenbaum, HMC '88 and Pomona Faculty
Cathy Weiss, Pitzer

Our Values

Hillel may welcome, partner with, and aid the efforts of organizations, groups, and speakers from diverse perspectives in pursuit of our mission. Hillel will not partner with or host organizations, groups, or speakers that as a matter of policy or practice do not respect the human rights, self-determination, and aspirations for peace of all people, including Israelis and Palestinians. We ask that all invited partners abide by and demonstrate our Community Values. These guidelines do not limit any participant from engaging with our speakers and voicing viewpoints that may diverge from our Standards of Partnership, but we expect that all participants foster an atmosphere of civility and respect in line with our Community Values.
We are all created B’Tzelem Elohim – בצלם אלוהים – in the image of God. As a community, we seek to nurture an environment where everyone can exist as themselves and feel no need to pretend to be something they are not. In doing so we acknowledge and affirm the racial and ethnic diversity of our community and society as a whole. We believe in K’vod Habriot – כבוד הבריות, the idea that there is dignity in all creations, and we seek to treat others in accordance with these beliefs.
We believe in the value of Shamor v’Zakor b’Dibur Achad– שמור וזכור בדיבור אחד, that we can simultaneously hold multiple realities in the way that we view the world. Hillel is a diverse community with a diverse range of opinions, and we want it to continue to be a safe space for all who wish to be a part of that community. As such, we respect the differences of opinion we all have among ourselves as long as individuals continue to respect the humanity of others.We value the time-honored principle of V’ahavta l’Reicha Camocha– ואהבת לרעך כמוך, or loving one’s neighbor as oneself, because we belong to and live alongside so many other vibrant communities both in the Claremont Colleges and in the world beyond them. To give back to these communities we care about so much, we commit to working with interfaith and non-religious organizations on campus, in Claremont, and in the broader world community. We hope that in collaborating with these organizations, we will be better able to carry out Tzedakah – צדקה (supporting those in need).We acknowledge that all of us will inevitably make mistakes and hurt others and therefore we affirm the value of Teshuva– תשובה (forgiveness). When wrongs do occur, we must seek to uphold justice through restorative measures. In the process, we will work to find a balance between a peaceful response and direct action against injustice. We engage in Lilmod v’Lilamed– ללמוד וללמד – learning and teaching – continually striving to understand the world around us and help others along that path. This means that we will not unnecessarily shame members of our community or use extreme measures in situations that can be addressed with caring and respect. However, we will also hold each other accountable for the effects of our actions and words on others.We believe in the value of Kol Yisrael Aravim Ze l’Ze– כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה, meaning that we are all responsible for each other. Therefore, we believe it is our duty to stand up for and support one another. In accordance with this value, we will strive to determine how to best support everyone in our community by providing guidance to community members that need it.We cherish Klal Yisrael- כלל ישראל, or Jewish peoplehood, by embracing all forms and expressions of Judaism. As a pluralistic Jewish organization, we accept without question the Jewish identities of those at Hillel. We acknowledge and affirm the racial and ethnic backgrounds of all Jewish people. We understand that different people have particular ways of expressing their Judaism, and we validate these various forms of Jewish existence. Accordingly, one can be part of the community without religious practice. Ultimately, we seek out ways of expanding our religious practice and communal traditions to better fit the needs and desires of our community. We believe that this diversity of Jewish identity makes our community stronger and more vibrant.We seek to embody the virtue of Hachnasat Orchim– הכנסת אורחים or hospitality. We welcome those who wish to be part of our community, especially newcomers to Hillel. It is our goal to create a nurturing environment in which one can be oneself. We endeavor to be physically, mentally, and emotionally accessible to all members of our community. In the end, we strive to improve our community at all levels and to make Hillel a positive and supportive community, not a combative one. We try to foresee the needs of our community, but understand that some people may need additional accommodations that we do not currently have in place. If this is the case for you, please reach out to Bethany, and we will be happy to provide what you need.


How many Jewish students are there at the Claremont Colleges?
Out of the 8,000 students at the five undergraduate colleges and two graduate universities, we estimate that over 700 students identify as Jewish.
I connect to Judaism culturally and socially, but not religiously. What does Hillel have to offer me?
We have many events are purely social and help build community. Everyone has their own journey, and as a pluralistic organization, we respect your path - whether it's religious or secular.
I am an observant Jewish student. What does Hillel have to offer me?
We will work closely with you to help make sure your needs are met. Hillel is a pluralistic organization and works to make sure that every Jewish student has a seat at the proverbial table.
What is the difference between Hillel and the Jewish Chaplain at the Claremont Colleges?
In the early 1970's, Hillel and the Claremont Colleges partnered to establish a Jewish chaplain who also served as the Hillel director. Over time, the responsibilities of each role became too demanding for one person. In 2023, Hillel and the Colleges agreed to separate the roles so that the Jewish Chaplain can focus on pastoral care, interfaith work, and religious life. Hillel partners with the Jewish Chaplain on Jewish ritual experiences and holiday observances while also building community through cultural experiences, social justice projects, and much more. Over time, Hillel will grow to accommodate more staff and expanded programs to engage more students.